Parental Leave Grants

Let's raise money, together.
This grant is special to our core. Inspired by our founders - who worked really hard and endless hours throughout their pregnancy, at the hospital hours after birth, and all throughout their child's first few years. We want to be able to provide to Mother-owned businesses, where many times Maternity Leave isn't tangible for them.
We are declaring 2020 the #yearofthemother because we will demand paid family leave in America. NO MORE PLAYING SMALL.
While our push to make paid parental leave the new standard is a long-term mission, expectant parents (especially Mothers) are in urgent need of support right now. That's why we created the Maternity Leave Fund, our commitment to fund paid maternity leave for families across the US. Our fund will extend $1,000-$3,000 grants to moms without access to paid leave so they can spend time with their children and show how parental leave benefits families, workplaces, and communities.
In 1993, the Family Medical Leave Act was made law, which allowed parents to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for a new child either entering or joining their family. The caveat is that this law only applies to companies with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius and to employees that have worked at least 1,250 hours within a 12 month period prior to leave.
So, what happens to those Mother-Owned business that are a 1-5 (wo)man show? They have to literally work through it. And we want to be here to help.