Mothers for Maternity Leave

The Mother Fund initiative is raising awareness and funding around parental leave. We think, particularly, now, this mission is especially important, as so many people’s livelihoods are being jeopardized with temporary policy fixes involving paid leave. We are declaring 2020 the #yearofthemother because we will demand paid family leave in America. NO MORE PLAYING SMALL.
Mother State Representatives (MSR) This year, we want to mobilize a national movement by selecting Mother State Representatives (MSRs) across the U.S.
This grant is special to our core. Inspired by our founders - who worked really hard and endless hours throughout their pregnancy, at the hospital hours after birth, and all throughout their child's first few years. We want to be able to provide to Mother-owned businesses, where many times Maternity Leave isn't tangible for them. Learn more how you can donate or get involved, here.